“SUN IS A TEACHER – How productive our lives would be, if we have peace in both our body and mind.”
Practice Yoga was never crossed in my mind before but after trying it at Sun Yoga Taman Aries. The result are awesome and amazing. Better body balance, better body structure, routine sport , etc
Fifi Ruslim
Always love the ambiance here the staff & member feels like you came home when I go there. Teacher also very capable to reach ur goal.
Nabilla Devina
So glad joining the sunyoga.. love the place, the class, the staffs, and especially the teachers that always teach and push us to be the best version of ourselves..
Alda Putri Wijaya
tempat yoga yang bersih dan punya fasilitas yang lengkap, pokoknya terbaik dah👌💯
Feravylia Tjahja
Tempatnya nyaman dan bersih.. semua guru yang ngajar absolutely ok dan pro semua. Kelas ada dari jam 7 pagi sampai 7 malam, dari minggu sampai minggu lagi, no holiday lho.. Teman2nya juga ga ketinggalan friendly abis.. u have to come, try and guarantee u will enjoy yoga in this place! Yuk ke sini!
El S
The teachers are experienced and very good at teaching. They also made incorrect pose adjustments politely so participants felt comfortable.
Neti Owie
Studio yoganya bersih. Matras selalu dibersihkan setelah kelas. Toilet, changing room dan kamar mandinya juga ok bgt. Tempatnya beneran nyaman.
Program yoganya sangat variatif. Mau cari buat pemula sampai yang advance tersedia. Pengajarnya juga bagus2, mostly dari India. Approach nya kece, kalau mau koreksi gerakan juga sopan dan buat student jadi nyaman. Semua staffnya ramah dan baik banget. Selalu kirim dokumentasi gerakan kita setelah kelas. Sugoi! Keep it up!
Ferda Taria Saputri
baru kali ini nemu tempat yoga yg nyaman dan rapihh, kelass nyaa seru dan banyak variasi variasi kelass, teacher teacher nyaa pada humbleee, pkoknyaa kerennn banget!!!❤️❤️
Rika Mandasari
I've had an incredible experience at Sun Yoga Studio! The atmosphere is peaceful and welcoming, perfect for unwinding and connecting with yourself. The teachers are exceptional – knowledgeable, patient, and truly passionate about yoga. Every session feels personalized and enriching. Highly recommend this studio for anyone looking to deepen their practice! ✨🧘🏻♀️🙏🏻
Yesie Irawan Lie
Excellent place for yoga. I came to this place with lower back pain, poor posture, and shoulder pain. After 4 months of following the yoga therapy and doing all the exercises suitable for my condition, I am getting better now.
Less pain, happier life.
Jullia Ia
All the yoga teachers here are very kind, have positive vibes, and very helpful in getting us into the correct poses. Not gonna lie, this is what motivates me to join the next classes. Don’t worry, your yoga journey will also be documented by the staff there and sent to you. Trust me, their service is excellent! ✨
You can consult about any complaints you have (e.g., back pain) and they will suggest classes that can help with recovery.
Just come and experience it 🥰
Tientien Tanojo
Yoga helps me a lot to correct my posture and flexibility. My body balance is improving.
Sun Yoga teachers and staff are helpful.
Thanks to Yoga and Sun Yoga
Ming Na
Merekomendasikan pakai banget Sun Yoga Daan Mogot! Para instruktur yoga di sini sangat profesional dan berpengalaman, mereka mampu menyesuaikan gaya mengajar mereka untuk semua level, dari pemula hingga yang sudah mahir. Studio yoganya bersih, nyaman, dan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang lengkap, seperti ruang ganti yang bersih dan nyaman, serta berbagai perlengkapan yoga yang berkualitas. Karyawannya juga sangat ramah dan membantu, menciptakan suasana yang welcoming dan membuat saya merasa nyaman untuk kembali lagi.
Dewi Hung
Tempatnya bersih, teacher nya bagus dan sabar untuk pemula jg, & jam kelasnya jg banyak , waktunya cocok untuk yang mau langsung lanjut kerja
Lily Pranoto
Sun yoga citra 6 teach me to be a lot more flexible than before the receptionists are very humble and greets us when we come in and the place is very clean the teachers are nice and there is a lot of classes you can book my daughter also have yoga she join kids yoga she likes to practice yoga there for our opinion sun yoga is the best yoga place in the world.
Bella Pandean
Yoga here is super duper comfortable, the place is clean and comfortable. The teachers are REALLY kind and helpful, and the staff are all very friendly. Every member is really taken care of, even though there are already a lot of members, but they are still taken care of, they are not running out. 😆
Khamilla Randie
Tempat khusus yoga. Bener2 spesialis kelas yoga. Variasi kelasnya byk. Mostly teachernya org india. Ruangan bersih wangi. Disediakan handuk kecil dan besar, matt yoga, block yoga, wheel nya jd ga ribet2 bawa dr rumah. Staff nya ramah sampai ingat nama member satu2 disambut. Guru2nya jg cukup sabar n ngajarin step by step nya cukup clear. Harga utk fasilitas spt ini sgt bersaing. Quite worth it. Even suami sampai mau ikut yoga. Buat ngelemesin badan2 yg kaku. Membernya yg join cukup bervariasi usianya. Male dan female jg ada. 👍
Nurdah Lena Siregar
Tempat yoga yg sanggt elit cocok untuk pemula dan yg sudah prooo
Pelayananya juga sgt bagus dan admin" yg ramahhh
Yana Liu
Senang bisa bergabung dengan Sun Yoga, pelayanan baik, yoganya juga enak, badan terasa ringan dan tidur lebih nyenyak, padahal selama ini sering susah tidur, semenjak sering yoga di sun yoga tidurnya lebih nyenyak dan pulas. Tks Sun Yoga. Pokoknya 5 star deh. 🤩🤩
Vinsensia Pintaria
Pokonya kalo yoga di sini. Tinggal bawa badan aja, sisanya udah disediain di Sunyoga 🥰🥰🥰
Indri Puteri
The staff are communicative, very friendly and the photos are really good hahahaha video too, really good, recommended and worth the price ❤❤❤ one of the best yoga studios I've ever joined ❤❤
Yoga Life for Greater Self Control
Reduce Stress
supports stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss and quality sleep.
brighter moods
You may feel increased mental and physical energy and fewer negative feelings after getting into a routine of practicing yoga.
improve balance
Yoga has been shown to improve balance and overall performance in athletes.
reduce inflammation
Yoga – of various styles, intensities, and durations – reduced the biochemical markers of inflammation across several chronic conditions
Checkout Our Best Offering Yoga Classes
Yoga Therapy
Type of therapy that uses yoga postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and guided imagery to improve mental and physical health
Yoga Basic
Foundational yoga postures are practiced to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body. Full-body relaxation and balance are the goals
Gentle Yoga
Gentle yoga classes are typically described as appropriate for those who want a softer, nurturing, slow paced, well-supported and relaxing practice
One of the most interesting yoga facts is that it comprises “eight limbs”. These all act as guidelines on how to live life and provide guidance on how they should be practised.